pro contract
Please make sure your Instagram or Facebook profile is set to public. Thank you!
Mysta Pros are asked to wear the MYSTA - FUEL YOUR GOLF Hat & use the Vessel at all golf outings as per the guidelines in the agreement
All Mysta Pros are asked to post 2 PER MONTH on your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (Reel,Story or Timeline)
VIDEO Reels tagged or sent direct to Mystagolf as directed by Mystagolf to Signed Mysta Pros
All Mysta Pros will be paid straight commission at 15 PERCENT on Epi-Hyrdate & Epi-ZONE on any individual or course order purchased with your store code
All Mysta Pros are encouraged to FOLLOW @mystagolf - Epi-Hydrate on Instagram, LIKE and Comment as possible after each post is made
Mysta Pros are encouraged to repost our giveaways and contests
Mysta Pros are encouraged to use as many of our frequently used social hashtags, and encourage your network to do the same: #fuelyourgolf
You are encouraged to feedback requested on new flavors, products, giveaways
Mysta Pros will not represent or promote other nutrition companies with competing products.